Avada Agency

Unique Entity ID: J76ADNDEK1K7

CAGE Code: 8LKP3

SWaM Certification: 826258

WBENC Women’s Business Enterprise: WBE2300625

Web Design Articles2016-01-27T09:39:54-05:00


DepartmentC conducted research, extracted key points from source material, wrote copy and designed an e-book series, versioned by industry. See the full ebook.


DepartmentC conducted research, extracted key points from source material, wrote copy and designed an e-book series, versioned by industry. See [...]


When the original vendor fell through, DepartmentC developed a storyboard and script within 48 hours and facilitated rapid production [...]


When the original vendor fell through, DepartmentC developed a storyboard and script within 48 hours and facilitated rapid production with client’s vendor.


DepartmentC interviewed scientists and wrote articles distilling highly technical information down into content that can be digested by science enthusiasts.


When the original vendor fell through, DepartmentC developed a storyboard and script within 48 hours and facilitated rapid production with client’s vendor.

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